Send Hill
Send, Surrey
Key facts
The site is an open field bound by mature trees, with a Public Right of Way (PROW) adjacent to the northern site boundary. The site is accessed via Send Hill and there are residential dwellings to the north, northeast and southwest of the site, fronting onto Send Hill.
At the time of submitting the planning application the Guildford Local Plan Proposals Map (2003) identified the site as being outside the settlement of Send, within the Greenbelt. The extant plan was however out of date and the Council was in the advanced stage of progressing a new Local Plan which proposed the removal of the application site from the Green Belt and its inclusion within the defined urban area of Send.
Detailed Planning application for the erection of 8 no. residential dwellings was submitted to Guildford Borough Council.
Planning Permission was refused in January 2020 on the grounds that
I. the quantum and scale of development and its layout which would be at odds with the distinctive linear/ribbon pattern of development along Send Hill
II. the proposed development would result in the detrimental loss of the identified visual amenity value of the land
A planning appal has been submitted to the Government an we await a hearing date.