Loxwood Farm Place, High Street
Loxwood, West Sussex RH14 0RF
Key facts
An outline planning application for 25 residential dwellings was submitted to Chichester District Council in December 2013 (LX/13/03809/OUT)
Planning permission was refused in June 2014 on the grounds that the development was in conflict in principle with the emerging Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan.
In November 2014 the appeal was recovered for the Secretary of State's determination, in pursuance of section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The Loxwood Neighbourhood plan was ‘made’ in July 2015
An appeal was submitted and an Inquiry held September 2015 against a refusal to grant outline planning permission by Chichester District Council. The appeal was dismissed in October 2013 on the grounds the proposal did not comply with the policies of the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan on the location of new residential development.
Two separate judicial review challenges were made to the Neighbourhood Plan which were considered by Justice Holgate in the High Court in November 2015. Both grounds of the challenge failed and the judicial review was dismissed 21 January 2016.
In March 2016 Secretary of State agrees with the Inspector’s conclusions and recommendation, dismisses the appeal and refuses planning permission.
A second application was submitted to Chichester District Council in November 2019 for the erection of up to 22 residential dwellings registered on 03 November 2019 under reference 19/02781/OUT