Greendene, Stane Street
Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 1BQ
Key facts
Greendene house, gardens and surrounding fields extend to just over 2.4ha (6 acres) in a sustainable location situated to the east of Stane Street, Codmore Hill, Pulborough lying between Billingshurst and the centre of Pulborough.
In the 1960s the site was used as a horticultural nursery with soft fruit trees in the fields. The house Greendene is currently the home of one land owners and her family. The site does not lie within a Conservation Area. There are no listed buildings on the site or within close proximity.
The adopted Local Plan for the site comprises the adopted Horsham District Planning Framework (adopted November 2015). The Plan is subject to an early review in order to ensure that the District have sufficient supply of land in order to meet their housing target. The Council has started the review and is currently at the evidence gathering stage.
Under the standardised Objectively Assessed Need (OAN), Horsham’s annual housing requirement will significantly increase.The increase could be by as much as 300 dwellings per annum i.e. from 800 dwellings to 1100 dwellings per annum. Horsham is already behind on its numbers after delays on North Horsham sites on which they are heavily reliant.
Castle Properties Ltd has been promoting the land at Greendene for residential development through the emerging Horsham District Plan and that the site has been identified as one of the possible sites for development in the recently published Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation document.
The vision with this land has been to create an exemplary development that meets the aspirations and needs of the local community, whilst respecting the characteristics of the surrounding area and local landscape. We prepared a scheme that is landscape led offering an environmentally sensitive scheme whilst providing improvements to the landscape and creating informal open spaces. It is anticipated that the development will provide a strong and balanced community, offering a wide range of housing types and tenures including affordable homes that meet housing need and demand in Pulborough.
The scheme provides considerable infrastructure improvements via new footpaths, cycle routes and a significant contribution towards delivery of a new pedestrian footbridge.